Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine x 2


One who kept me company all day and cuddled and snuggled even though he had to have 4 immunizations earlier that morning. Aiden is such a light in my life. He always makes me smile and feel so special!! I am so grateful for him and all that he brings into my life.

And the other, TK :) is the perfect valentine! Three years running he has brought me roses. (One for each valentine's day we have spent together) We may not have much but we've got each other and a wonderful child and we can't ask for anything more than that.

After putting Aiden to bed (because we are too cheap for a sitter) we had a lovely valentines day right here at home!

We had a beautiful dinner for two (which TK made) and some chocolate covered strawberries for dessert (MY FAVORITE!!!)

TK made a beautiful candle-lit dinner for me.. if I do say so myself.. fettecini alfredo with carrots, peas, and broccoli! And to top it off, sparkling cider! It was SOOOO good!! And I just love him so much!!

See my flowers?!?! Aren't they perrty :) and even 3 roses amongst all the color!! I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband who always knows how to make me feel beautiful and loved and so very very blessed!

Hope you all had as wonderful of a valentine's day as we did!

Peace, Love, and CookieDough.

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