Thursday, December 2, 2010

Worth a Thousand Words

Day 7: I am grateful for photography.

Yeah yeah yeah, so in my original list I noted "My Camera/Pictures" But seriously. I am grateful for the art of photography. (not to say that my pictures are "art" but still) I am grateful that photography is possible. That we are able to capture the most important moments in our lives and have a memory to hold onto forever. I am grateful that I was able to capture THESE moments.

Plotting revenge on the boys for messing with my phone!

On our way downtown to celebrate GRADUATION! Class of 2007

Hanging out and getting ready before going out

Before the Graffiti party

The last day of High School - The Famous 3xCD

Me and the girls in Kansas City doing some shopping and fine dining!! :)

Ali and Me in the boys' dorm at UNO -- our "twin" shot--she almost killed herself with a cotton candy maker that night.

Best memories ever are at BAJIO--oh and from dating the man of my dreams

Our engagement pictures

I love him so much!

The evening before the wedding this picture seriously captures our excitement and nerves and love and joy!!

WAHOOOO for our wedding day!!! I can't believe how long its been!! And yet eternity awaits!

Another shot on our wedding day

HONEYMOON AT LAKE TAHOO!!! Such beautiful scenery!! I love it there!

Our sealing in the Jordan River Temple in Utah.

Getting in a trip to the beach at 36 weeks pregnant!! It was a beautiful "baby moon"-a wonderful vacation before we truly became parents!

The birth of my first son, Aiden. I couldn't believe he was finally here!!!

Nap time with daddy!!! --just a few weeks old they were BOTH very tired!!

hahahahah this picture makes me laugh out loud every time i see it!! I can't believe i took the picture at JUST the right moment!!!!

hahaha. poor kid. so picked upon and tortured.

Aiden. This picture reminds me of the boy off "where the wild things are" so here is OUR little WILD THING

Aiden is always such a comfort to us, no matter how bad things get, he makes it all better!

Cousins playing together!! I can't wait till they can really get to know each other!

His eyes are gorgeous!! I love this kid more than words can describe!!

And here we are, in pure bliss! My little family.

Just a FEW pictures to recap the last 4 years or so... (seriously, those are very few compared to all in which i have on file!!!) I love my pictures and the art of photography or even the science of it. whoever invented the camera-you rock!!! And thank you, for YOU I am super duper grateful!!!!

Peace, Love, and (of COURSE) CookieDough


  1. I love pictures so much :) It's ridonkulous.

  2. What Growth, in all of you. If I had only know that Half of some of your earlier years, I would have so much less hair than I have now.
    Love Ya


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